Demonstrators in South Korea swore off heterosexual dating in protest against misogyny. Now the movement is sparking interest among young American women
American women should absolutely say it out loud, “If you voted for Trump, no pussy.” I saw that stated (low-key) when I was dating a few years back. Their profiles either said, “Don’t care about politics.”, which translates as, “Fuck off with your Trump shit.” Or, outright said, no MAGA, in those words.
I saw both types on tinder when I was using it a few years ago. Some would say “no MAGA” and some would say “no libs.”
I suspect religious indoctrination to be the main factor as this was UT and AZ but there are more women out there willing to vote for their own objectification and yoke than I think we assume.
Huh. Seeing any rejection of libs was rare for me, even on profiles labelled as conservative.
What are the politics in your area? We’re so bloody red we reelected Matt Gaetz in a landslide.
ALL women need to go on general strike. Not just if you voted for Trump, for everyone. Hard-line for “no freedom? no work, no sex, no labor”. Watch the economy cripple at the greatest union in history. Watch political organizations form behind women because they’ve been denied access to what women provide.
ALL women need to go on general strike.
The February Revolution was not the result of the vanguardists successfully organizing and executing a revolt, but of many groups doing decades of groundwork laying before a bunch of women marching together on international women’s day and it going from a protest to the overthrow of the czarist regime.
That said the groundwork of today is to appeal to the disaffected worker class
Funny, in Russia “I don’t care about politics” usually means something similar to Trump support.
“No Z” I have seen a lot, but usually those very socialized etc girls have that. I’m aspie (probably also social anxiety and PTSD). Nothing to discuss with people whose profiles indirectly say “don’t be a whiny bitch”.
Well, I guess maga chuds can always just fall back on good ole reliable porn… ooohhh sorry dipshits, you banned that too.
The male maga chuds will just sleep with female maga chuds. This isn’t going to really accomplish anything except for liberals not getting laid or procreating.
Isn’t this how the movie idiocracy started?
Except there aren’t that many of those female maga chuds. That’s why they’re so keen on taking away womens’ rights. The only way they can get laid is if the women have no choice.
Not sure where you are getting that idea. Almost half of the Latinos and whites who voted for Trump in 2024 were women.
Look, it’s not about that. It’s about vibes, and Trump has a guy-y vibe.
There’s more than you think. My workplace has tons of them.
Yeah it’s certainly not the majority of women and I would say it’s at best a 2:1 ratio. But there are many maga women in the dept of the fortune 20 company I work for
Well, lucky you.
That’s not the word I’d use.
And they are underage, plus no divorce. Basically captive female slaves. Disgusting!
Didn’t we see the Maga dating apps be flooded with dudes and barely any women?
I have no facts to back up this claim:
Isn’t that every dating app? Mostly men and bots?
It is now, kinda unrelated but AI really killed all the dating apps. There were always bots and scammers but I was always able to meet women, without subscribing, over a period of like 8 years using them off and on in between relationships. These days even if I payed their bullshit fees all I get are scams
I take solace in knowing that all the female maga chuds I know are hideous wildebeasts, bloated and putrid. Them and maga men are a match made in heaven.
Exactly, stuff like this will just drive more people to the extreme right. Great job…
Your view of relationships is “will vote for sex”?
What does my comment have to do with me?
i just say what normally happens, and is happening to some degree in certain parts of the left. They often overly generally blame “men” for everything, forgetting that they also are victims in the same system. And that everyone should work together to continuously improve the system.
The leftist critique should always be directed to how to improve the system for everyone, not directed against certain individuals or groups. If they put blame onto certain groups of people, they are right-wing. Because this is how the right thinks. Individuals or groups of people are always at fault for the right.
Nobody is born evil, we need to understand why people do certain things we do not like them to do. For instance people are conservative, often because they are afraid of things. Maybe men currently might struggle to find their place in the modern world, then left needs to acknowledge that and try to improve the system, so that they do not need to have that fear anymore. Sure, maybe other injustices in the system are more important, but do not complain if affected people become upset, and do not behave like you wanted them to.
You know, critiquing and improving the system.
If the goal here is to punish “men” until they behave, this will just cause them to be more angry at the perceived injustice and move more to the right.
You are 100% right in your assessment and in your solution.
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Like the old adage goes, “there’s always a relevant Aristophanes play”
Man doing xkcd millennial before xkcd.
I’d love the pigeons shitting all over Trump and his cavalcade for the next 4 years, but look at me, living in cloud cuckoo land…
Thanks, I was trying to think of the name of that play without google.
For now, McKenna isn’t sure exactly what 4B will look like to her in the election’s aftermath. She wants to do more research on the community. She’s not swearing off sex for ever, or taking a vow of celibacy. “Now when I go out with my girlfriends meeting people, instead of mingling to find a date, I’m going to mingle to get change,” she said. “When men come on to me, I’m just gonna push back.”
Good on them!
“Don’t talk about politics on the first date” used to be a thing but now even as a man I think I would need to know someone’s political views in detail before a second date. It’s not enough to just vote for the same candidate. Plenty of people who despise each other’s ideology voted for Harris. I’m even afraid to talk to some old friends about politics. I know they’re Democrats but it’s still possible for one of us to say something that would seriously damage the friendship.
It’s like being Goldilocks. This one is too far right, that one is too far left…
If i used tinder, or the like, the first line would be “if you ever voted for trump, swipe (whatever way is bad)”
On a side note, why do people swipe? I always find that pressing either button is more convenient.
My phone always ran the site too slowly to swipe, I have no idea which direction was which.
That’s so weird, like my ex accidentally found herself on a date with a neonazi once. Sure, politics were once a minor conflict for most people, but even then it’s not like there weren’t communists in the 90s.
The first date should be “do we mesh, and are we compatible”
And yeah, I’m so grateful my teenage friends wound up with similar politics to me. A bunch of white kids from the Ohio suburbs and we all wound up some variety of socialists as 30 year olds.
Just an FYI, for better education. 4B = bisekseu, bichulsan, biyeonae and bihon. For context of the Korean meaning, romanized for pronunciation. no sex with men 비섹스, no giving birth 비출산, no dating men 비연애, and no marriage with men 비혼.
Thank you, had no idea what it meant and didn’t have enough initiative to go look.
Good on them. Hopefully the blue balls hurt.
Power to them.
Pussy power, even.
At the risk of quoting supervillians, is it power if you’re not using it?
Ask the countries that have nukes.
Yeah those Nukes sure are preventing a lot of war rn.
Oh, I’m certain they’re using it—just not giving it to men.
So yes, Pussy Power. 🤘The ultimate power, I’d say. People will lose their shit.
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Some companies and government agencies have offered incentives for parents: one conglomerate gives employees who have three or more children a free car, and another constructing group has spent $5m on $75,000 cash bonuses to workers who have babies.
Fucking idiots
As an American leftist cishet man, I’ve been thinking a lot about what people like me can do in the wake of the election to support women. There’s a dangerous temptation to mansplain the election to them while making them talk about their trauma with me, telling myself that I’m “reaching out” and attempting to let them know that I care. I’m trying to turn away from that impulse and replace it with a more useful one, which is to simply empower women in whatever small way I can, even if it has nothing to do with reproductive rights or politics. These are people whose identity group has just been insulted and demeaned on a massive scale, publicly, who now have to worry about essential rights being taken away, including in some cases the right to exist; the very least I can do is, like, defer to them about what we have for dinner. If I can also in some way provide a safe refuge and protect them using my privilege, that would be great.
Basically what I’m saying is that, with political power being taken away at the national scale, it’s going to be natural for women to seize as much back in their personal life as they can. This hasn’t affected me personally yet, but I’m trying to get out ahead of it and see what I can do to grant some power and offer refuge.
Also I think boycotts and general strikes of all sorts will be increasingly necessary given that all means of political opposition is being taken away. Leftist men similarly might want to think about whether there are things they can withhold from MAGA-run organizations to seize back power–and then grant that power to marginalized folks.
Threads about this are great for adding folks to my block list
Trump is turning the women gay? Wut.
Wait until the Republicans find out about that! /s
- More women voted for Trump this time compared to 2020
- 46% of women who voted did so for Trump
- Around 90 million people who could vote, did not vote (can be arsed to figure out how many women did not vote but probably half of that figure)
- Voter turnout will likely be less than in 2020
As a foreigner reading these articles, I can just laugh. This “movement” is too little too late. Probably not even a real movement given how social media is an echo chamber so fucking removed from reality.
Good for them I guess, but the chance of doing real change was a few days ago, so can’t take you guys seriously anymore. lmfao.
Yeah, lmao, they’re losing their rights and are trying to find a semblance of control! lmfao!
And I’ll bet 100% of the women pushing the American 4b movement voted for Trump or stayed home! And no way any of them were politically engaged and fighting for their rights before the election! Because otherwise your stats and points would be kinda fucking irrelevant right?
An obvious /s for the kids in the back. Even if their movement fizzles out, people are scared and trying to find a measure of peace. And laughing at that is a shitty thing to do.
I mean let’s just do numbers, that’s damn near 50% of women that didn’t vote for Trump and we know that 50% is majority younger women below 40. If even just half of that crowd, 25% of total younger women, join this movement, it becomes a disaster for men.
I mean if 100% of your dating pool are women and 50% of them decide they won’t date or have sex with you, that halves your chances of getting a date. Could even be worse for certain demographics like Latino men. That’s really rough. Even if half of what I estimate participate, that would still be a quarter of your dating pool gone and for men it’s already pretty dire as people are meeting/dating less and staying single longer.
Thanks for weighing in?
No man will touch me
How, pray tell, do they plan to enforce this?
Trumpers don’t need to date women. They just need to impregnate women. That can perfectly be done via rape, which Trump will make legal (in particular if these women are left-aligned). And then the women will be forced to carry the fetuses to term, which is already legal.
They will likely commit suicide instead. I cannot believe some of the comments here, incredible.