I concede that very few people bother to learn the sequence or create a keybinding to symbols used at school. However, every keyboard that has a searchable emoji picker should also index the rest of Unicode in my opinion.
Custom keybindings I use the most are (in no particular order) πµΩαβγΔ²³±√∞≤≥≠∈⋮⌀∙█⚠☢☣♥⚙✔✖❗←↑→↓·ẞ, nbsp and hair space. There is also ☃ (Shift+AltGr+8) as an XKCD reference.
I concede that very few people bother to learn the sequence or create a keybinding to symbols used at school. However, every keyboard that has a searchable emoji picker should also index the rest of Unicode in my opinion.
Custom keybindings I use the most are (in no particular order) πµΩαβγΔ²³±√∞≤≥≠∈⋮⌀∙█⚠☢☣♥⚙✔✖❗←↑→↓·ẞ, nbsp and hair space. There is also ☃ (Shift+AltGr+8) as an XKCD reference.