As our government becomes more and more polarized, what can we do to ensure that facts and data hold out?

I’m not suggesting that lying should be illegal (in fact, it’s often unintentional), but when an MPs statement can later be proven to be false, shouldn’t they be forced to publicly apologize?

The truth shouldn’t be political.

  • EhForumUser
    2 years ago

    Then they should not make (what would then be) a legally binding promise.

    Yes, if this is what the electorate wants, they should present the contract and get the candidate to sign it before election night.

    I think you’ll find the electorate doesn’t actually want that, though. The incumbent maybe has sufficient information to present an election promise, assuming they can implement it in the first few days before the state of the world has moved on, but the other candidates most certainly do not. Why would you want a politician making decisions before they have information? That would be downright stupid.