We are united in spirit and purpose, comrade. We are one well-oiled shitposting machine. For every poster that falls, ten posters will take their place.
They say that Hexbear only has enough keyboards for half of its posters, so they send people into threads in pairs, and when the first poster is banned, the second picks up his keyboard and continues posting
We are united in spirit and purpose, comrade. We are one well-oiled shitposting machine. For every poster that falls, ten posters will take their place.
They say that Hexbear only has enough keyboards for half of its posters, so they send people into threads in pairs, and when the first poster is banned, the second picks up his keyboard and continues posting
This is unironically the funniest post ever put here, I’m reporting you so the mods can read it
I hope this results in my second site tagline, I would be over the moon
I love this SO MUCH
this deserves to be a site tagline