Gosh, I’m hoping that Rustad fails to capture a majority… an NDP/Green coalition government would be excellent.
I like our current provincial government but putting up more opposition to pipeline development and helping to fund better distributed clinics would be awesome.
The ndp are doing good work but they need to be forced to pass proportional representation, increase the minimum wage to $21 an hour, bring back BC TEL, connect more communities with buses, halt all fossil fuel development and rebuild the railway on the island with electric locomotives.
Yea, I like the NDP but I think they could use more pressure to deliver on some populist agendas.
Why being back BC Tel?
The days of landlines are passed, what exactly would their purpose be?
To lower the costs of phone bills and to keep the profits local by providing cellular service to the province.
They don’t have a license for any of the wireless spectrum. So how exactly would they provide cellular service?
SaskTel (the only other place that does this) participated in all the spectrum auctions when they happened over the last few decades.
That is a terrible headline and even worse article. It doesn’t even do the job of summarizing the main points or events of the debate.
All 3 leaders did not do well, Eby was by far the most dismissive and arrogant, and the questions were stupid.