• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    14 hours ago

    Before Judaism there was a lot of polytheistic religions.

    Judaism never really got into converting others. But it was Christian’s favorite thing, to the point where they just jammed in random existing holidays so converts could keep celebrating their traditions.

    Christianity did the legwork to get people open to a single Abrahmic god, but they were dicks once they got into the majority. Like Walmart moving and selling at a loss till competition was gone and jacking up the price.

    For people raised Christian, Islam wasn’t a big jump. And early Muslim society produced an absolute shit ton of science and was way less extreme than the people who make it into modern news, but so are the vast majority of modern Muslims.


    There was never a huge push to convert to Judaism, unlike the following Abrahamic religions.

    The difference between the three is basically:

    Judaism: loads of prophets, Jesus can be recognized as one of them. Messiah still to come

    Christianity: no prophets really, just followers of Jesus the Messiah, who will return. (Some think he’s literally god).

    Islam: loads of prophets, Jesus was one of the biggest, then Mohammad, and next someone else. Messiah still to come

    Switching doesn’t require much changes of belief.