Recently we had one of the largest fires in California history called the Park Fire.

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection said Wednesday morning that 277 structures have been destroyed by the fire and 29 structures have been damaged.

On the TV they interviewed a man whose house survived. He said, “I thank god my house was spared”.

So, let me get this straight. God destroyed 277 homes but saved yours? If that’s god’s will then god is an asshole.

  • MindTraveller
    6 days ago

    Classic narcissist abuser behavior.

    The American Psychological Association’s inclusive language guidelines recommend person first language in situations like this. Referring to people by a noun form of their disorder is considered bad practice by psychologists. Instead, psychologists recommend putting the person as the noun, and the disorder after. For example, you could say “abusive people who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder”, and be in alignment with the guidelines. These guidelines are important because otherwise people might think that you mean to imply an association between a mental disorder and abusive behaviour, and this could lead to stigmatisation of mental disorders.