cross-posted from:

(posting to both communities)

A carnist lemmy world instance admin has stepped in and meatsplained to the mods while restoring comments that violated the community’s rules. They deleted comments that they did not agree with, citing ‘misinformation’, and threatened to demod the mods if those comments were removed again. The comments were deleted and the admin was banned from the community as per violating the rules of the community, that was until they unbanned themselves (admin abuse) and unmodded two of the moderators because of “promoting harmfull actions against pets”.

As far as it stands, if the lemmy world community wasn’t already not a safe vegan place for you (it really wasn’t) it most certainly isn’t now as carnists (lemmy world instance admin) currently mod it.

I suggest any vegan who wants a safe and welcoming space to come and interact with Sorry for any inconvienance that this may have caused. I am deeply upset at the admins actions today and don’t condone them whatsoever.

    7 months ago

    I just read all that and I’m still quite confused. Before and after reading it, it sounded like you correctly characterized the situation but they claim you got it wrong…

      7 months ago

      They restored the comments explaining the extremely limited scenario for healthy plant based cat diets. While doing so, they reiterated that this is generally not safe, but the nonvegan mod still felt that the implication that a cat could ever be healthy was still dangerous misinformation.

      I personally think that it’s technically possible, but too expensive and precise to be practicable (and probably not enjoyable for the cat). I don’t really see how that’s even controversial, but I’m not surprised that a nonvegan would take it as an endorsement for plant based cat diets (it’s not)

        7 months ago

        Well personally I do think we have a moral obligation to reduce harm and I don’t see a good reason to privilege the life of one animal over another (humans included). Veganism as an ideology however is about what is practicable, and while it appears that cats can be transitioned it is very early days and can only be done responsibly if you are in a position to afford medical oversight and understand how to select correctly formulated foods.

        As a vegan I am against pet keeping, but lots of abandoned animals exist and they need care there aren’t institutions to provide so they end up in homes. I have a couple of rescue dogs living with me atm for example. In situations like this I think where possible we have a responsibility to juggle their needs and desires with broader harms. Like I don’t let the dogs I care for hunt wildlife for fun, and give them enriching search games instead.

        Abstracting away that death through food doesn’t really change it.

        But we’re not insane, it’s early days and while evidence suggests for cats its possible it isn’t trivial and should be attempted responsibly, which nobody involved in this shitshow was claiming otherwise. The only people denying reality are the banned commentator who was saying that cats cannot survive on plant in the face of patient explanations by another user and the admin who tried to remove that user’s comments in favour of the science denying ones.