Everyone should be expected to be vegan.
Carnists are always “falsely concerned” about plants in order to make false equivalences to justify their hand in animal abuse.
I’m taking this to the vegan island with the pig I’m being sent to so we can both eat well.
God help us when we have to deal with carnivore morons who say in a broad brush “all plants are processed”
Eating plant-based wont affect your quality of life as there are many great recipes for you to try out.
There’s scientific evidence that shows eating plant-based decrease your risk for chronic diseases. So its not just living 6-10 years longer.
“Veganism tends to be perceived as a pejorative term,” according to Anna Spurek, the chief operating officer at the Green REV Institute, Poland’s first vegan thinktank. “The meat lobby and interest groups use it to polarise society.” It has been a common refrain of rightwing politicians that veganism is anti-Polish – that it is a similar form of propaganda to the “LGBT agenda” – and that vegans are “insane and detached from reality,” she said.
The right wing extremists can pound sand.
He’s attuned to the fact that what you eat can be a political statement. He once conducted a study in which he interviewed a number of Polish MPs on their diets and tried to map their politics. “The more left-leaning a politician, the more likely they were to have a vegetarian diet and eat international cuisines,” he told me. A 2019 study by Ipsos showed similar results. Polish politicians were asked: “What actions are you willing to take to help fight climate change?” Among politicians from the left, 30% stated that they would give up meat, versus a mere 11% for the right wing Law and Justice party.
Geez this is actually real, that image is hard to look at.
Non-vegans reacting to this:
I agree with this change! Thank you Thetechnician!
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You need to try more options at the very least before painting things with a broad brush.
I had vegan bacon with the same taste and texture it threw me off so there’s no need to lie about stuff.
Being called out for eating animal products and hypocritical slandering is “the same as racism” 🤣
What do you mean it doesn’t have the texture of bacon.
There’s vegan bacon that’s healthier to eat
You read the meme too fast. Its everyone looking into the carnivore communities.
Keep your cats indoors and feed them a vegan diet.
People don’t feed cats raw meat anymore…
That’s a strawman. Cats need to eat a plant-based kibble formulated with the necessary taurine and b12.
Every Carnist who defends eating meat sound like psychopaths.