Names blurred to protect the innocent / crazy. Not trying to call anyone out, just thought the response was hilarious and highly disproportionate. Like, they distinguished that comment (green border/background).

For reference, the comment I presume that was downvoted that apparently triggered that response was to the tune of “BoTH SiDEz!!!” with some hyper generalizing / stereotyping on the side.

  • Beaver
    8 months ago

    I tried to resolve this politely with you but you instead ignored my message while causing more drama creating comments like this. Therefore I will not engage with you or your instance any further for your display of immaturity as I will be blocking both.

    You need to listen to people in the global south who are making valid criticisms of the United States which has used violent imperialism to get its way like how they did with Cuba, Guatemala, Iraq and Palestine.