
Create a new sport that you think should be added to the next (or some future) Olympic games.

I’ve heard that the Olympics are currently happening, so I figured why not celebrate this by telling the Olympic committee how dumb they are for passing over your new idea for an Olympic sport!


  • Follow the community’s rules above all else
  • One comment and image per user
  • Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
  • Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun and learning)
  • Posts that are tied will both get the points
  • The challenge runs for 7 days from now on
  • Down votes will not be counted


At the end of the challenge each post will be scored:

Prize Points
Most upvoted +3 points
Second most upvoted +2 point
Third most upvoted +1 point
OP’s favorite +1 point
Most original +1 point
Last two entries (to compensate for less time to vote) +1 point
Prompt and workflow included +1 point

The winner gets to pick next theme! As always, have fun everyone!
Previous entries

  • Cloudless ☼
    7 months ago

    Prompt (Ideogram)

    In a post-apocalyptic future, a decade after nuclear fallout, the Olympic Games are a somber affair. The once-grand Olympic Stadium stands crumbling, now hosting a sparse crowd of survivors. The events themselves are stripped down to the bare essentials, with makeshift equipment and arenas. The competitors, often malnourished, display a grim determination as they push their bodies to the limit, proving their resilience in the face of adversity., photo