I know, lame post, but I wanted to say that Linux gaming has gotten soooo much better, to the point that I honestly think my games are running better than on Windows. I’ve played so many games, but notable ones are Halo: MCC, MS Flight Sim 2020, Satisfactory, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and right now I’m starting a full playthrough of Dragon Age.

Dragon Age is notorious even on Windows for being a pain because it’s such an old game. You have to install the 4gb patch, and even then it’s a bit rocky. Not on Linux though! I did have to install PhysX but I googled it and saw it was 2 buttons to install on Linux! Now it’s been rock solid and stable, with no crashes.

Linux gaming may have a high bar to learn, but that bar is constantly getting lower! Exciting times!

  • Semperverus@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Dude I literally addressed your concern in my post by saying its not for everyone. You are deliberately choosing to ignore that part in order to fulfill your own agenda, or because you just want to be cranky about something (or maybe both). Have you had your morning coffee yet?

    • Cyborganism
      7 months ago

      Ok ok. I wasn’t trying to be rude. Sorry if I came off too strong.

      It’s just that I get the same almost cookie cutter response from every Arch fan in this community every time I comment something. Like your have to advertise that you use Arch and explain why.

      It’s like how vegans have to tell everyone they’re vegans. (Not that I have anything against veganism. Or Arch for that matter.)

      Again, no offense. This isn’t about you personally. Just something I noticed that’s becoming annoying.

      Ugh. I guess I do sound like a cranky fucker.

      Just do whatever you enjoy dude.