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Background Cooling towers containing Legionella spp are a high-risk source of Legionnaires’ disease outbreaks. Manually locating cooling towers from aerial imagery during outbreak investigations requires expertise, is labour intensive, and can be prone to errors. We aimed to train a deep learning computer vision model to automatically detect cooling towers that are aerially visible.

Methods Between Jan 1 and 31, 2021, we extracted satellite view images of Philadelphia (PN, USA) and New York state (NY, USA) from Google Maps and annotated cooling towers to create training datasets. We augmented training data with synthetic data and model-assisted labelling of additional cities. Using 2051 images containing 7292 cooling towers, we trained a two-stage model using YOLOv5, a model that detects objects in images, and EfficientNet-b5, a model that classifies images. We assessed the primary outcomes of sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) of the model against manual labelling on test datasets of 548 images, including from two cities not seen in training (Boston [MA, USA] and Athens [GA, USA]). We compared the search speed of the model with that of manual searching by four epidemiologists.

  • OtterOPMA
    8 months ago

    Interpretation The model could be used to accelerate investigation and source control during outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease through the identification of cooling towers from aerial imagery, potentially preventing additional disease spread. The model has already been used by public health teams for outbreak investigations and to initialise cooling tower registries, which are considered best practice for preventing and responding to outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease.

    Looks like it has been used for source control purposes