This is my first post and I literally have no idea what I’m doing. On birdies post of her recap of her exhausting ny to la trip or maybe it was the reel of her in the sting bikini, I dunno regardless I commented and mentioned how she seemed more confident lately since si. She’s a train wreck, go watch her stories as the verbal diarrhea is in full play explaining the reason for her increase in self confidence ( if you call it that) wow 🥴

  • crownofgold6
    8 months ago

    I need her knocked off her pedestal so badly

    And this hat look isn’t working for her lol. She thinks she’s so cool though 🙄 it’ll be forgotten though much like everything else she obsesses over for a week or two.

    • cookiefleck
      8 months ago

      I can only imagine how many eager little brands have scrambled to send her their trucker hats in hopes of being featured. Straight to the tub / garage they go!