Not sure how far this idea of a homeserver for Lemmy will go, but would love to be added to the allowlist :slightly smiling face:

    • @[email protected]OP
      03 years ago

      It’s a personal instance which I’m hoping to use to keep track of links along with using the account to participate around federated lemmy instances. Perhaps that’s not the best use case of a new instance at this point in Lemmy’s federation progress?

      • Dessalines
        03 years ago

        I have no problem in adding it, I’ll get back to you shortly.

        • @[email protected]OP
          03 years ago

          Sweet. Thank you. Maybe I’ll dig into the code a bit and see if I can close some issues. I’m a python dev by day, but I love rust and am trying to get better.

    • @[email protected]OP
      03 years ago

      Okay, SSL error fixed … upstream proxy is still messing up the JSON activitystream response. I’m not totally sure how to fix that. But I’m running in a FreeBSD jail, so I’m kinda on my own. Will do up a post on getting it working when I’m done.

    • @[email protected]OP
      03 years ago

      yeah, right after I got it working I realized I hadn’t configured Caddy correctly to handle json requests and in trying to fix it blew everything up. Working to fix it :)