In a story earlier this week, Bird said SHE’S FINE! …and then casually added that she’s doing 3 runs this month.

It is June 15. When are these runs, exactly? Are they real? And we would know if she’s training….because of course we would.

Anyone know what she’s on about?

  • after_act
    9 months ago

    The three runs comment made me confused. IF she was running she would be posting the content constantly! Fitness content is easy content to generate and is so popular on instagram. Heck even leaky posts fitness content all the time.

    Also how does claiming you are doing three runs make you ‘fine’?.

    • FraudulentFruit1
      9 months ago

      Yes it’s literally 3-5k virtual runs (Disney Pineapple Whip Soft Serve Challenge I believe) 2hrs of exercise max and I’m being generous. If she stops flapping her fupa for a minute she might be able to get it done in June although she has until the end of August to complete this super hard challenge.

  • MoonChildM
    9 months ago

    She signed up for Disney virtual runs and they have to be completed by the end of August

    • ThatOrangeBird
      9 months ago

      And you can rack up more than the required distance just through normal movement, especially with so much time alloted. She’s not actually going run the whole distance in one go and get sweaty or exert herself. What a joke.

  • ThefrogsbananaM
    9 months ago

    You guys are not being fair re: her lack of training. After all, she was just on a RUNway! 😏

  • olivesandpoppies
    9 months ago

    There are several runs that take place every month in Canada that people can sign up virtually for. Locally if you just go to your local running room website, you’ll find links to local runs. Usually you have to register ahead of time to get the race bibs or T-shirts and then to be on the list to be able to get a finisher medal, but many times people who run regularly will just show up and run for fun. Meanwhile, others are often raising funds for something (and you can often create your own website links to have family and friends support your runs). I don’t know what Disney is raising money for. I don’t know if individuals can choose? I don’t know if Disney actually gives any donations to any causes or people just do a run for fun? I hope that people do use their platforms or “celebrity” to raise funds for foundations that need help but again some people are just running for fun and for their mental health so it’ll be a different situation for everybody.

    The reason she may not be announcing what runs she’s doing because people can look up names and see what races people are doing, and even find out their finishing times. Like, even when we do the CIBC run for the cure, or Terry fox runs or anything we create our own customized fundraiser pages and then you can send links to your families to donate to on your behalf. So I’m pretty sure she’s just safeguarding where she will be in when which is actually a good idea for anybody.

    I would like to add that being a runner does not make somebody superior to others, that would be a very ableist way of looking at the world. Yes, running is a free activity, but it is not always safe for people to do as their form of exercise and not every body is capable of running.

    • after_act
      9 months ago

      I don’t disagree that you can and should be safe guarding the locations of where she is. In fact I highly recommend, and not disclosing any specific race she is going is a good idea!

      But my point is more in relation to the fact that if you are doing three runs in a month, you are (or at least should be) training in some capacity for them. Whether that means outside running or on a treadmill at home/gym. THAT is all content! It shows setting a goal and the determination of working towards it. It shows hard work and perseverance. And even taking into account what you are saying about safe guarding locations, it can be anonymous type posts that don’t disclose that …feet running on the pavement, a post run sweaty selfie, a photo of an apple watch/garmin showing her run stats, talking about how she went for a run, achieved a personal best, or her legs are so sore the next day for her run. Its easy content too! And from an influencer who make constant posts about nothing on her phone all day, it just makes it hard to believe.

      • olivesandpoppies
        9 months ago

        Absolutely agree that would be helpful to anyone who wants to set goals too. That’s what my marathon running friends do:). They post their Garmin /Apple results for like distance and PRs. Mind you my friend who’s the most dedicated to running changed their whole socials to be about fitness so I see the content about it nonstop. People can also register for races with just their first initial, or just the last initial of their last name, and their first initial to keep more anonymous. If anybody is interested, the running room does cost money if you’re actually enrolling in a program and you kill three weeks with a group so you have that safety and specialized training, but two days a week you can meet with a local running room, and just tagalong for free. It keeps you safe and if you look at the schedule of when these running groups are starting, you can go from being a non-runner to running a 5k or 5k runner to running a 10k etc. They even have walking groups. Once you’re in this type of community, they communicate with a quite regularly about upcoming races, runs and challenges. I do miss being a part of it and I’m slowly getting back into it, but I will say that running on a treadmill is very very easy compared to running on pavement so if anyone is training specifically on a treadmill without going outside and then expecting to run the same distance, please don’t make this mistake!