socialism is well and alive. Companies’ unions are quite strong. Rich business owners collude to keep wages low and prices high while gaslighting labourers using inflation and bigotry. There’s comraderie among scoundrels, con-artists and slave owners. They are called rich people.
(This is from diaspora*, btw)
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Joe says hi.
(I’m making a joke about how the first names of leaders aren’t as familiar outside of the nation it was targeted at, either that or the USA is saying “hi” to the UK, take your pick ⛏️!:-D)
Both Joe and Rishi (and Xi, and Vladimir, and maybe even Ursula and Justin) are known well enough world wide to call them by their first name in a meme.
You say this as if US defaultism isn’t absolutely everywhere on the internet wherever you go.
But if you do want to talk about the U.S. and socialism, you could point out that the U.S. government’s subsidizing of the military-industrial complex has made it a supreme military power, so you’d think American politicians would argue that government subsidies are a successful way to do things. Weirdly though…
Brits are just as bad at it. But it’s cute when they do it because at least the rest of the world does know most US-centric topics so it’s mildly annoying but doesn’t preclude conversation. When brits do it no one knows wtf they’re talking about.
You’d have to be from a pretty ignorant country to not…
Ah right, as you were
Europeans go 10 minutes without talking about how terrible the US is challenge (impossible)
From a different vassal state (Australia), but I think the US is fair game, considering how how many countries are practically beholden to US foreign policy (and straight up meddling, in many, many cases).
Remember that period from about 2008 to 2013 when the internet was really taking off and the yanks spent their entire time online bleating about how much better the US was, how much more Freedom ©®™ they had, how much more money they had, how their healthcare was superior, etc etc etc, then for the last decade it’s been slowly dawning on them that they had, to use their own vernacular “drank the cool aid” and that everything was a lie, they get fucked in the arse daily and those goddamn commies across the pond actually do have it way, way better than they could have possibly imagined?
It’s payback time boyo :)
Oh, wow. Sins of the father. Real convincing argument there.