• Yeather
    2 years ago

    In the case of stories and Kabuki theater, it is again as I said. The bickering of politicians and overall pro government journalists is inconsequential to the overall running of the country which Mao rules. For a sort ofexample of my home country, every Irish party bickers about immigration and procedure, but in the end they all support immigration. This is taken further in China, again bickering of procedure, but in the end the parties will support Mao and his bidding.

    On point two, I apologize for the miscounted timeline, but Deng and Liu were the men who ultimately ended the great leap forward and great famine in 1962 when Mao turned over day to day running of the country to them. They were both then imprisoned in 1967 as part of the cultural revolution, where Liu died of diabetes.

    I would never compare anyone to kruschev unless they deserved it, which neither of these men do.

    While the idea of a reeducation camp seem noble, the premise is in fact totalitarian in of itself. The need to force someone to confirm to your political ideology or face further improvement is not the mark of a free democracy, but the signs of an oppressive and controlling regime. Let’s also not kid ourselves here, they were work camps with reindoctrination added on top. Not a good model.