There’s also the downgrades and quality control issues you get with buying Chinese.
There’s also the downgrades and quality control issues you get with buying Chinese.
I doubt that’s true, no one would place orders for a stealth fighter without the stealth technology.
Haven’t seen that, just the green card of one of the organizers.
Maybe we should all specialize, and pay each other with our own goods, or better yet, a sort of representation of goods we all agree is valuable, so you can get one persons goods with anothers.
The debt was already paid anyways
Because you can trace the money, no matter what random, clearly going to die, just for show bill gets introduced.
I’ve seen people argue Biden and Jamie Harrison had a following out, and that Biden never really planned to run again, he just wanted to spoil the primary and push a very unpopular Harris onto the ticket.
I had someone get incredibly mad my UN blue imperial guard beat their afrika korps death guard. Like crying mad.
Space Marines sell the most, so they get the most frequent support. Each faction has a very loyal and very ravenous fanbase though. Generally if someone is a “space marine fan” they’re either really new, or extremely old. It’s the people that are into the Imperium factions as a whole you should look out for.
People grew up watching the crazies on TV and decided it looked cool, then became the gun nut when they got money.
Are you arguing the book is propaganda or the society of the book is heavily propagandized? The book itself is not propaganda if you fully read it. The horrors of war are on full, gruesome display. Heroism, cowardice, death, and dismemberment to the humans and arachnids. The society of the book is heavy on the propaganda, but the book itself is not propaganda.
In the books it’s explained the man is missing his legs specifically to scare people away and show them the potential consequences of service, so people really understand what can and does happen and do not sign up just for fleeting glory or to look cool.
It’s affordable for people looking for a new car, people with lower income would look for a used car, or would not be in the market at all.
People living paycheck to paycheck are not shopping for a brand new car, they shop used if they’re even in the market.
Much like a volatile currency, though I suppose a better example would be an asset like gold or silver, except you can instantly sell bitcoin back. Look at it less like a currency and more like an asset.
Same thing with an apple pay feature possibly. Might real time sell the coins and convert to cash in the payment process, or if it’s an established coin the business may eventually just accept it like cash or debit.
30k to 35k is affordable for a new car. The average price for a new car in 2024 was $47870, and an Edmunds survey shows new car buyers are looking for $35k or less.
30k to 35k is affordable for a new car. The average price for a new car in 2024 was $47870, and an Edmunds survey shows new car buyers are looking for $35k or less.
There are much larger, systemic issues with Chinese manufacturing that goes beyond just building to specification. Systemic corruption is the number one killer of their high end manufacturing market. The easiest example I can give you is steel. High quality steel is hard to order from China, steel you do order will be improperly marked as hogh quality but in actuality will be lower. This is a foreign and domestic issue, and is the reason why thr Chinese rail lines are constantly under construction.
The Osprey is a dangerous aircraft and everyone knows it, while Chinese aircraft are dangerous while pretending to be safe.