That’s humanity, going strong for thousands of years off the backs of soldiers.
Brother this is a 4chan post, if you want to make assumptions at least make realistic ones.
Welcome to lemmy comments. Someone else incorrectly mentioned the Streisand effect so this guy decided to be cheeky and post just the photo.
That is the photo Barbara Streisand attempted to have removed from the internet, the effeft gets its name from this event and photo.
Mostly ports of mobile games, which are free with ads, and usually with an option to pay to remove ads
I think the issue is less the existence of gambling sites, and more the fact that underage gamers are often the target of the sites. An age verification for trading would be the easiest, but Valve has taken a hard stance against collecting identification for any reason. The age verification could come from the websites but that seems very unlikely since the websites are often illegal. If enough countries (especially America) legalized online gambling but required ID verification, the sites may be more likely to implement it, but that is so far of a scenario there really is no prediction.
Control over the finalized product. You can easily shape an ad to have your exact message reach the right people, and have that ad be more attractive. With an influencer sponsorship you do not have as much control over the final product or the audience.
Call it a mother in law suite and the law gets iffy and whoever you need to convince in government to give you a permit is more likely to.
Guns in dnd aren’t inherently magic actually.
You’re right. Anon should have hired an escort to sleep and cuddle with.
That’s all I ask, thank you
The trick is if you are already good looking a sundress will only enhance it.
Liberal like Libertarian, actually small government, low inflation, leaving people alone, allegedly.
$20 if it’s to RFK Jr.’s new party.
Not a lot of that accurately describes America currently. And if we want to reach into history, China has a history or destroying a group of people to replace them with Han Chinese, and it is still currently happening.
China isn’t rehabilitating a criminal into a person, they turn a possible political opponent into an obediant resident, while also using them as slave labor in the camps. China and the US are doing the same thing but calling them something different.
China is a paper tiger economy built upon slave labor, fast consumerism, and environmental destruction. If and when such cultural habits change the consumer economy will collapse, and that’s with believing the fake numbers the Chinese government releases. Along with population decline and the top heavy population caused by the one child policy, the economy will stagnate even further.
China is 15-20 years behind on the technology curve for domestic research and production. Their current technology base is literally copied from the rest of the world.
Politically, massive degradation of rights and freedoms for citizens, civil rights violations against minorities, the religious, and the political opposition. They have actual concentration camps, not just detainment centers in the US people bring up.
China has one leg up on the US with a comprehensive health coverage… if you avoid being a forced organ donor for the elite.
Catholicism in the deep south is nowhere near as possible like Baptist or Methodist. Most of the deep south doesn’t even consider Catholicism to be catholic. The KKK targeted catholics under this belief.