I don’t necessarily agree and I guess it is intentionally controversial, but still worth a look I guess.

Also a lot of the issues raised have been long solved in Hubzilla ;)

  • @[email protected]
    03 years ago

    It’s weird he chose to make the fediverse into “Mastodon, Status Net, Librem Social” in his first slide. It makes it look like he doesn’t really know that much about the Fediverse. Also, you can ban the whole server/instance as admin or user. This is only really done when the admin from that server does not properly moderate and lets it “filled with […] hate and awful stuff”. Honestly, the so-called problem with moderation is ridiculous. If you have an account on “bad” instance then change instances for a better one. Honestly, if you have an account on an instance with hate then you are probably going to be banned from another instance.

    There is also identity verification if you have a website. By the way, the Twitter account of @BryanLunduke does not look like him ? or some sort of satire? so this is not fixed by centralised services.

    I guess he has stopped using YouTube and moved to Odysee? Okay, sure.

    I’ve created several accounts on different instances of Mastodon, Pleroma, PixelFed, PeerTube etc. Only one instance has stopped working.

    Almost seems to be some sort of bullshit to get people over at his “locals” thing. I have no idea what that is though.