in my experience

Just thinking about an interaction today. It’s pretty interesting how I tell the average person (especially males) a story where i’m the victim and they immediately intensely victim blame me.

This is probably largely due to rock bottom low positive sentiment of the person directed towards me. I don’t know why i talk to some of people i talk to. At least when i think about it. I’m pretty sure i have higher standard for which internet acquaintances i talk to regularly then irl acquaintances. If it’s an internet interaction, if i establish they’re uhh unsuitable i don’t talk to them anymore, and maybe i should do that irl for acquintances?

Obv if you vets someone as being good company, they don’t victim blame you.

  • sascuach@lemmy.mlOP
    2 years ago

    I hit the libraries and bookstores so fucking hard

    As someone who somewhat raised themself, thanks a lot for putting in the effort!!! Which might sounds like a strange thing to say, but do you get why I appreciate hearing that you put in the effort?

    All the readings helped? I read psychology today articles with consistency and they talk about these kind of things sometimes. I read through them for the same reason you do, self improvement