• FriendBesto@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    The conspiracy is a lot simpler. Bibi is in serious, serious shit with many Israeli voters except for, Right-Wing, Zionist, many religious and some moderate Jews. He is looking at possible removal and even jail time for corruption and blatant abuse of power. Not the first time. He tried to weaken their Judicial Branch, too, by removing some of their powers last year. Gee… I wonder why? There were protests Re: that in Israel that did not get a lot of airtime in the West but you can find lots of footage if you look for it. At this point both the Biden admin and the GOP speak a lot of different BS but in the end they both are folding like a house of cards to their masters, I mean moneyed interests and lobbyists. Just look at what they are both doing, laws they are passing or gave just passed, and what they are ‘not’ stopping. Both DNC and GOP are also voting to send even more money to Israel. BLM protests? Let entire city blocks run to the groundfor months. Looting weekend in and weekend out for months . Cops take a knee on command. Pro-Palestinian protests? Sent snipers to rooftoops, send swat teams right always, and try to shut down TikTok. Also, what is with trying to manipulate pro-Palestian sentiment into anti-zionism? Not the same thing. Reasonable people can see this.

    This is what they say: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/antisemitism-conspiracy-theories-tiktok/678088/

    This is what they actually push for: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/16/technology/tiktok-jewish-open-letter-antisemitism.html





    Removing the Palestinians from Gaza would be a major victory for him and this party and in some circles Bibi would go into the history books for ‘bringing all of Israel back,’ he is hoping this will safeguard him from any Legal Liabilities. In fact he is aiming for the opposite. We know he wants the Palestinians/Gaza shipped elsewhere, anywhere. Biden and some other leaders are already looking into taking some. The West Bank will be next. He will claim that there are terrorists there or Hama’s and will try to push for more subjugation or worse, removal.

    At this point, both the DNC and GOP will do Israel’s bidding. The DNC will just be more careful to not be as blatantly obvious. I really do not think they care who wins. Albeit granted Trump is more obvious with his support on the surface.

    The big end game is for Bibi’s party to stay in power and Bibi thinks this move will keep in jail and likely the opposite, be remembered as a Hero for the cause if he removes the Gazans and takes over the land. Which he likely or at least partly get if he succeeds.