Lol? I’ve literally seen multiple statues of this man on a cross. One painted gold.
Idolatry is apparently outside their T rex level mental grasp.
Usery is so long forgotten that spell check doesn’t even think it’s a word.
What’s next on the chopping block?
Probably because it’s spelled “usury”
Meh, if it didn’t have a suggestion for me I’ll claim my point stands.
Insulting T-Rex’s intelligence will not end well for us
I meant their little arms
Which are still not as comically little as those of Ivanka at 1yo Molestor’s
How ironic! The antichrist selling bibles. lol.
It is written that way in Revelations
It’s only shocking if you haven’t been paying attention
I’m only shocked that it took this long
Honestly I thought this had already happened
I’m not religious, but for those that are. How many mors antichrist signs do you need? 😂
Wild that evangelicals are his base.
What do you mean? They want the apocalypse to come.
True, but like antichrist is all about TRUE Christians staying away while fake Christians flock to them. Sure the evangelicals are an apocalyptic death cult, but one would think if you truly thought the end was neigh, that supporting Trump would put you on the wrong side of the equation.
But, this is me trying to make sense out of something that is inherently senseless. I was forced to read those stupid left behind books as a kid and the parallels are just so wildly apparent.
Well in the literal sense, it’s almost all fake Christians at this point anyways. Most are following the Prosperity Gospel and Supply Side Jesus which of course is basically the opposite of what you’re supposed to do.
oh, so this is where they draw the line? lmao
large print, and slim design
You can’t get that isn’t words in large print as well as a slim design. I wonder which “inconvenient” parts they’re cutting out.
It doesn’t matter. They aren’t going to read it anyways.
All the parts where Jesus open his mouth
He should put out his own line of holy water.
For $129.99 he will pee on you. His friend Ivan will film it for an extra $50.
And when you’re a celebrity, they just let you do it.
Just, piss
Golden Calf Bath Water when?
President boy bath water
King Lames Bible version
The death cult is loving it.
Can he bankrupt the church?
Fingers crossed
He’ll start his own
Eternal Salvation or TRIPLE your money back!!!
Unless they’re bankrupt by then, which they definitely will be