If you are incapable of dealing in factual evidence but prefer belief in the narrative, please don’t watch this video. It will upset you. Better to disregard the provable facts presented in a video and live in fantasy land because the thought of finally realizing that they have been lying to you would crush you.

  • remotelove
    7 months ago

    Good point.

    I fucking know it.

    Are you really trying to talk in the first, third person? If that wasn’t a thing before, I guess it is now. Are you trying to look smart or have group therapy “I” statements completely broken you?

    And yes, reputation is a thing. Since ol’ JJ has a history of pushing false narratives and pointless political theater, it’s better to write-off anything else he has to say. He did this to himself and why you give any credit to anything he says is a complete mystery to me.

    If I want facts I’ll dig in the records myself, thanks.