And yes, that reference does apply. So there.
LinkedIn worthy
Shaka, his arms wide…
It’s “Shaka, when the walls fell”
Or “Temba, his arms wide”
Do you need a remedial Tamarian lesson?
BionicJoey, his post corrective.
Joey and Squid at Lemmy
FartsWithAnAccent, his lore poor.
It’s “Shaka, when the walls fell”
Or “Temba, his arms wide”
Do you need a remedial Tamarian lesson?
It’s called poetic use of language.
By mixing morphemes of Tamarian thought, FartsWithAnAccent evokes feelings of arrested (Shaka) attempts to give (his arms wide). Perhaps as when you are constantly putting yourself out there for masses who fail to “get” you.
I accidentaly read dinosaurs instead of Diana shores and the world made sense for a little bit.
It would still make sense if anyone got my references.
But no one ever will…
My dad would have, damn it!
It’s not my fault you people don’t know World War II-era Danny Kaye movies.
Ok then wanna have a battle of
witsreferances ?Based on your username, I’d probably lose. I don’t know comics well enough.
Huh i hate comics and hardly ever reaads them but movies and series ? Oh boy am i an addict
The Morpheus name threw me off I guess. As far as movies go, if it’s post-2000 or so, it’s a good chance I haven’t seen it and for TV shows you can bring that up to maybe 2015.
But hey, you want a reference to Fernwood 2 Night or a Billy Wilder film, I’m your man.
my man!
Dinah who?
I don’t think you got the reference of me not getting your reference.
That seems appropriate.