On Sunday, dozens of people gathered near the Aish Hatorah synagogue in Thornhill, Ont., to protest an event that organizers say was aimed at helping people in the Toronto area buy property in Israel. They were met with pro-Israeli counterprotestors and Jewish leaders took issue with the Sunday protest taking place outside a synagogue.

But Pro-Palestinian protestors say companies associated with the event market property in the West Bank, where over two million Palestinians live under Israel’s military occupation, according to the United Nations (UN).

The UN, alongside Canada, consider Israeli settlements in the occupied territories to be in violation of international convention, with the federal government saying they “constitute a serious obstacle to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace.”

“There was no sales for anything in the West Bank, anything on disputed territory,” she said, noting the projects on offer were being built on “existing” and “established” areas.

  • Linkerbaan@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Richard Robertson, B’nai Brith Canada’s director of research and advocacy, said in a statement the group is concerned for members of the community near the synagogues at the upcoming events, and are calling on police to prevent similar protests from happening.

    “Nothing justifies targeting a house of worship,” said Robertson. “To target a shul is antisemitic and can never be tolerated in Canadian society.”

    Using a synagogue as a place to promote Genocide. Amazin’

    I’m glad we still have

    But Chelsey Lichtman, a member of advocacy group Jews Say No to Genocide, said it’s “sacrilegious” to use synagogues as places to hold real estate events.