• CalPal
    1 year ago

    So I ran the math on the election outcome on this, as someone who lives in the riding directly:

    32401 / 116259 = ~ 27.9% (Voter turnout)

    27.9 * 0.574 (Percentage of vote which went to Jivani) = 16.01%

    16% of the electorate gets to decide a candidate for the remaining 84%. I don’t know about anyone else, or whether it’s just supposed to be the way that things go, but it gives me a real ick feeling when I see a number like that. Maybe if it was something closer to 30% or something along those lines, I could at least begrudgingly accept that this is such a solid Conservative riding, but only 16%?!

    I just really hate voter apathy, guys. Come on, we had 4 days of early voting, mail-in voting, the actual vote day itself, you can legally request time off work to go vote if you need it… was it that difficult to get out and vote, or am I just missing some other context?!