I’m pretty sick of my content addiction, like watching youtube or netflix all the time. I would rather be spending my time otherwise so figured fun things are the best to start. Do you have tips for fun things to do? Or how I could search for them?

Some I came up with myself:

  • Learning some magic tricks
  • Learning some origami
  • Thrift shopping

Everything is welcome!

Edit: thank you for the huge response!

  • NotJustForMe@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I’m pretty sure humanity would die out that way. Inspired to raise one? For most people, it just happens. I’d go so far and say that half of all pregnancies are unplanned. Inspired. What world are you living in? Sounds like a very entitled one.

    If you have the means to raise a kid, you should. That’s the whole purpose of your body. Seriously. The meaning of life.

    You’ve been brainwashed for too long if you think that a kid could be a burden. Especially if you have time to be bored. That’s the reason you are bored in the first place: you are not fulfilling your only true purpose.

    What has society done to you that you believe reaching level 140 on mage or knitting a hat is worth more than raising a kid?

    • owen
      1 year ago

      What are you talking about LMAO. Lay off the pipe. I still stand by my idea that people should not have a child because they are bored.

      • NotJustForMe@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Fair enough.

        Not smoking though. Working in a Hospital, child care, amongst other areas. Bored parents are the best.;)