It’s an extension I made that lets you dislike/like every page, and assuming you use Google Search (for now) shows the ratio in search.

Bdw if anyone has commentary on the name/icon I’d like to hear it, I’m not at all confident in my marketing/branding ability, if it is really bad I might change them both.

  • Helix 🧬
    42 years ago

    Needlesearch sounds like a website for seeking a buddy to shoot heroin with. As for the logo, maybe a haystack with a big needle?

    I love the project idea, wanted to do something like this myself for ages. Although it’s just a matter of time until someone writes themselves a bot…

    • @[email protected]OP
      2 years ago

      Well, I certainly didn’t think of that connotation with the name, thanks for pointing that out. Maybe I’ll change it to something literal like “RatioEverywhere”.

      I actually don’t think there will be a big issue with bots - you need to sign in to rate, and I implemented an automatic check to see if an account is spamming ratings, which I think will be enough.