The wind turbine went up a few days after Christmas, white blades whirring against the blue winter morning sky.

It generates a small amount of electricity, although more equipment is needed to deliver and store more power. But for the 30 residents of a tent city at CRAB Park, power sources like solar panels and wind power could help heat hot water for handwashing, light dark tents during the winter months and charge phones.

“The idea came from residents and former residents a year ago,” said Fiona York, a supporter of the tent city.

“When people are living outdoors and you give them that little bit of stability… you start thinking long term about resources and setting things up that are workable.”


  • AnotherDirtyAnglo
    8 months ago

    Why not just build tiny homes? Built to code, 200sqft, well insulated, power, running water, and phone/internet, close to public transit. A fixed address with access to a social worker and a nurse on site, and the ability to get back up on their feet.

    The idea would be to give people something between ‘tent’ and ‘apartment’ as transitional housing. Nobody freezes to death, nobody gets caught in the rain and loses everything they own. A community centre for socializing / education / laundry / showers, etc. There’s a ton of unused / underutilized lots in most cities - buildings ready for demolition, behind on taxes, and better used to deal with the housing crisis.

    This isn’t rocket surgery. Someone please take this idea and run with it!