• LillyPip
    1 year ago

    Why are atheists so obnoxious about it?

    Dude, I wasn’t until you (not you OP; the royal you) brought it into my living room. Since you didn’t leave me alone about it for fucking decades and you decided to knock on the door of my house about it, fuck you. Now I’m annoyed.

    I was fine letting you believe what you want, until you made it impossible to ignore you, even at my own front door. How would you feel if I knocked on your door asking you to accept satan or Darwin or whatever you think I believe? You’d fucking riot if I had teachers send their kids home with satanist pamphlets, yet I’m supposed to be fine when you sent my kindergartener home from school with bible study pamphlets.

    Do you know how fucking hard it was to avoid you brainwashing my child in America? Every weekend retreat was secretly Christian. Everything from the Boy Scouts to many civic organisations offering weekend outings. I had no choice because sleepovers became indoctrination events, but cry as you will, I never had any influence over your kids. I wouldn’t, because your kid’s beliefs were your choice, not mine. I’d never even have considered a stealth Sunday morning church field trip after a sleepover – what even is that?!? Fuck everyone who does that.

    Sorry, I’m still salty that I had to spend nearly two decades fending off attempts at indoctrinating my child when I was trying hard to make things his decision, not mine.

    So kindly fuck off. (/end rant)

    e: clarification