Because eggs and meat are practically irreplaceable by vegan diet, and egg is well known as a superfood. I am not an idiot to make my life revolve around veganism, instead of far better things I could accomplish with my time, brain and resources. When I can replace half a kilo of greens with a smaller proportion that looks like 2-3 eggs for similar amount of nutrition, remind me in a few centuries.
Anyway, I just remembered the not so nice interaction we had few days ago.
Because eggs and meat are practically irreplaceable by vegan diet, and egg is well known as a superfood. I am not an idiot to make my life revolve around veganism, instead of far better things I could accomplish with my time, brain and resources. When I can replace half a kilo of greens with a smaller proportion that looks like 2-3 eggs for similar amount of nutrition, remind me in a few centuries.
Anyway, I just remembered the not so nice interaction we had few days ago.