I love how Palestine is expected to peacefully negotiate with people forcing them from their homes and keeping basic human needs from the majority of the population.
Well it’s an improvement over the status quo: declare war on Israel, lose land, have restrictions imposed, repeat. If they keep this up and ignore the realities of their situation there will be no Palestine, and that would be a shame for everyone. One cannot win wars with moral outrage alone.
Like should I ask my rapist to please kindly stop raping?
Distasteful analogy, making literal rapists into metaphorical victims of rape.
And yes, every war is unjust and wrong on both sides. Every US president is a war criminal, but that doesn’t mean every American should pay for those crimes.
That’s usually how wars go, who do you think pays reparations, the elected representative or the taxpayer? Who do you think will suffer the consequences of destroyed infrastructure? Who do you think will have their loved ones returned in body bags? Citizens, who must face the consequences of the decisions their government makes. Let’s not pretend this isn’t so.
There is absolutely nothing that Hamas or Palestinians could do to Israel that justifies bombing one for the most densely populated areas in the world.
So they should have done what instead, let them get away with Oct 7 with impunity? Sent in ground forces into a guerilla terrorist den without air support causing high casualties? Good thing you’re not in charge. I suspect if it were your nation that was attacked like that you’d feel differently.
You’re a sack of shit dude. … Go fuck yourself, zionists have no place in a peaceful world
I share my position respectfully and cite sources, you yell and scream and call me a sack of shit. My bad for trying to have a reasonable conversation with those who disagree, I guess.
The response does not match the crime and the fact that you are still staunchly supporting an apartheid state tells me that you’re not worth arguing with.
The fact that you behave this way makes me agree, not that Israel is an apartheid state, that you’re not worth arguing with. Good day, be better.
Well it’s an improvement over the status quo: declare war on Israel, lose land, have restrictions imposed, repeat. If they keep this up and ignore the realities of their situation there will be no Palestine, and that would be a shame for everyone. One cannot win wars with moral outrage alone.
Distasteful analogy, making literal rapists into metaphorical victims of rape.
That’s usually how wars go, who do you think pays reparations, the elected representative or the taxpayer? Who do you think will suffer the consequences of destroyed infrastructure? Who do you think will have their loved ones returned in body bags? Citizens, who must face the consequences of the decisions their government makes. Let’s not pretend this isn’t so.
So they should have done what instead, let them get away with Oct 7 with impunity? Sent in ground forces into a guerilla terrorist den without air support causing high casualties? Good thing you’re not in charge. I suspect if it were your nation that was attacked like that you’d feel differently.
I share my position respectfully and cite sources, you yell and scream and call me a sack of shit. My bad for trying to have a reasonable conversation with those who disagree, I guess.
The fact that you behave this way makes me agree, not that Israel is an apartheid state, that you’re not worth arguing with. Good day, be better.