• caseyweederman
      9 months ago

      I had to force myself to finish Yu-No. The content is deplorable but apparently it’s the one that forced the industry to recognize that visual novels can be more than just porn games.
      Don’t play Yu-No.
      If you do anyway, don’t play the original uncensored version. Apparently the relatively recent remake excises the more heinous stuff.

      • RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        I loved YU-NO except the porn/inappropriate content. I only wish the remastered Switch version included a censored version of the original PC98 release, because the remaster butchered the primary charm of the game: the art style and music. Its so unfortunate that I cannot recommend YUNO because of the extreme culture shock of some content. The story was revolutionary for the time it came out and is still quite unique, and the epilogue was like playing a whole second game.

        Fortunately those scenes don’t add anything important to the plot, so I just skipped right through them. I would imagine someone could modify it to remove it from the original, if that was true then I certainly would recommend that version.

        I think there was a PSVita port of the original but I dont know if it had certain content removed.

        But I do agree with you, I wish that stuff wasn’t in the game.

        I think the same about DESIRE and EVE Burst Error.

    • PenguinTD
      9 months ago

      well, some of the early best PC arts are porn arts from the PC98 H-game. It’s really eye-opening how much better then did compare to western counter part regarding the use of patterns, limited color palettes, and limited resolution as well. And I didn’t get to see those until I have a PC that have VGA and display card that can go over 800x600 resolution. You can put the emu to turn your VGA into different monochrome, greyscale, 4 colors, 16 colors or some werid combination that does the magic.) I totally forgot how I run those PC98 games either through some sort of crazy patch or OS-emu, it was really not easy to get them running. AND you will be missing keys cause they don’t exist on western keyboards, it’s by submit different scan code to the emu using your other keys. They have higher resolution defaults simply because of the needs to display their kanas and kanji. (Which makes games on GBA take forever to go through dialogs if you play Jap version of games, like Ace Attorney. They can’t fit the fonts and etc with enough resolution and have to limit the letters per screen. )

      • RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.world
        9 months ago

        Yeah, its true. They had a phenomenal understanding of color palettes and dithering techniques that other countries just didn’t take advantage of in their games. But also, not a lot of games from other countries were visual novel style games, so they couldn’t take as much advantage of a high resolution trading off the processing power they wanted to have. Wing Commander with PC98 graphics would have been cool, but by the time that could be possible it would have started to look dated.