I’m kind of in a strange boat right now where I’m really comfortable in Canada yet I can’t shake this feeling I need to get over to the US of A in order to take advantage of that strong USD. I, like many Canadians, work for an American firm and have a TN visa. Recently, my employer offered to sponsor me for a green card, if I ever choose to relocate to the USA. I can live pretty much anywhere I want as I’m a remote employee, but I do travel to the USA for client work.

It’s a tough decision to make. While I consider it, I thought I’d ask the community. So, say you good lemmings?

  • zephyreks
    2 years ago

    Honestly, I’d just stick with the TN. With how easy a TN is to get, the only real advantage of a Green Card is if you plan on being unemployed in the US (which you don’t, because you’re in the US for the money like everyone else).

    Though FWIW TN should allow you to work in the US anyway, so I’m not sure why they’re only offering GC for relocation.

    Be very careful about the strong USD, because things are more expensive in the US and they’re often of lower quality for the same price. You won’t feel richer unless you save a bunch of USD and move back to Canada down the line.

    Earning CAD and spending CAD ~= Earning USD and spending USD

    Earning USD and spending CAD is ideal