I think intent plays a role here. If the goal is to incite a reaction or to hurt a population by publicly burning something that they care about, it’s probably not a great to do
One of those things where you know when you see it, but it’s hard to define explicitly.
If anything, it might help as a temporary measure to reduce tensions and inflammatory incidents
The problem is, as usual, Flying Spaghetti Monster showing that it’s hard to define what is a religion, therefore abuse
I think intent plays a role here. If the goal is to incite a reaction or to hurt a population by publicly burning something that they care about, it’s probably not a great to do
One of those things where you know when you see it, but it’s hard to define explicitly.
If anything, it might help as a temporary measure to reduce tensions and inflammatory incidents
How does this not just as easily apply to flag burning?
I guess it’s now more clearly defined to reference to religion recognized by Danish administrations.
Didn’t they get legal recognition in like Germany or something? Maybe Denmark is next
Hard to say. I doubt it though.
As insincere/foolish as our politicians can be, they do seem to take that part somewhat serious.
Like, Scientology isn’t recognized as a religion and such. The list of religions outside of the abrahamic ones is surprisingly short.
It was in Austria, I think. You’re thinking of the colander-head ID photo?