I realized that there was no current mod for the Gemini community yesterday.

If I remember correctly, the old mod left this instance time ago.

Since the community is still active, I am looking for a person or people who are interested in taking moderation there.

The focus is based towards people who are already set in the community or in this instance itself.

  • 56!
    52 years ago

    I’m familiar with gemini, but not active on it or anything. I’d be willing to do some occasional moderation until someone better turns up. I made my own gemini capsule as a rust learning project a while ago, but never put content on it. And I browse the community/sublemmy occasionally.

    2 years ago

    I could help but only under the condition that this gets linked together with the Brave Community, the reason is that Gemini support will be rolled out soon for Android in Brave Browser among other changes affecting the Brave and Gemini community, so it makes sense to mention, support and to interlink those communities to each other.

    I would not enforce my own rules on the community and only look regularity with one eye into it which means there will be no posts or interference from me.

    Rest can be discussed via DM if needed.