Look at how many were there. Sarah overinflates and exaggerates everything, just like her numbers. She went on a vacation to NYC to watch the documentary screening. That’s it. That’s all. She was given this based on fake, inflated numbers of bought followers and bots. She filtered herself so severely that it glitched and posted it anyway. She’s beyond reproach. I don’t envy her fall.

  • crownofgold6
    9 months ago

    I can’t believe she got flown to NYC to watch a movie, eat bagels and talk into her phone in a hotel room, it’s ridiculous. She couldn’t have just got sent to the Toronto premiere? What even was the point. She isn’t even there to interview Celine or anything.

    She always wants to say yes to things but maybe it isn’t worth it when there’s more important things at home? But guess nothing is more important than her playing make believe in a big city.