• @[email protected]
    192 years ago

    Cool, now can China invest in fixing 1000 upstream bugs in Gnome, KDE, Wayland, Pipewire, LibreOffice, NextCloud, Firefox, and so on? Also, could they develop open source drives and firmware for all the hardware they are exporting? I am not sarcastic. I just wonder why all this big players that use Linux create an own Distribution, but beside from that, not doing much.

    • @[email protected]OP
      2 years ago

      It’s probably because those with decision making authority have no idea what open source is and how it works.

      That being said, China is a huge contributor to open source. For example Huawei and Alibaba are among top kernel contributors.

      • @[email protected]
        2 years ago

        Hwawei has been called out for KPI farming on the Linux kernel (i.e. lots of bogus contributions to boost their support numbers): https://lkml.org/lkml/2021/6/18/153

        There’s some more insight on this Hackernews thread where an ex-Samsung employee defends Hwawei and notes it’s not intentionally KPI farming, but rather poor internal performance tools.

        I would gladly be proven wrong, but a quick Google search doesn’t discuss any concrete contributions Hwawei makes (only Git simple git diff metrics, which fall under the discussions linked above)

        • @[email protected]OP
          92 years ago

          Huawei is not the only one. Almost all software companies have some KPI that employees are farming. (speaking from experience here)

          • @[email protected]M
            -62 years ago

            Big Tech companies probably do more KPI boosting than Huawei does, but Huawei is bad because China bad. It always comes down to this, because those racists can never be racist enough, and always play to the tune of whatever their favourite news channel or political party teaches them.

          • @[email protected]
            32 years ago

            Your post on r/privatelife was about Hwawei trying to push a backdoor into the kernel (you’re right, I haven’t seen any concrete evidence of this), but this post is about KPI farming and cleanup commits. They seem like mutually exclusive scenarios to me.

            • @[email protected]M
              -12 years ago

              It is more related in terms of the accusatory intent than you think, if you recognise the timing of USA’s trade war escalation on Huawei (and the year long kidnapping of CFO) and the further escalation that was done by Trump and other North American racists regarding origin of COVID.