I don’t oppose privacy as a goal, I just think it’s unobtainable for my lifestyle. I would have to be very particular about what programs I use, what launchers I install, what sites I browse, etc. I frankly don’t have enough free time to care. It’s a lot to learn, it’s hard to keep up with, and big business makes bank off of finding new loopholes to screw you with. I have enough battles to fight, this one isn’t in my top 3.
I don’t oppose privacy as a goal, I just think it’s unobtainable for my lifestyle. I would have to be very particular about what programs I use, what launchers I install, what sites I browse, etc. I frankly don’t have enough free time to care. It’s a lot to learn, it’s hard to keep up with, and big business makes bank off of finding new loopholes to screw you with. I have enough battles to fight, this one isn’t in my top 3.