• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    52 years ago

    Ever since I started using Clojure, I haven’t had a reason to use another language. Between the JVM and Js runtimes, I can can run it pretty much anywhere. There’s a natively compiled runtime with Babashka that works for cases like scripts where startup time matters. Janet is basically an embedable derivative of Clojure that can be either be run standalone or embedded in C runtimes.

    I find I used to get excited about learning different languages, but then at some point I realized that there really isn’t that much difference between them. Mostly it’s just different syntax quirks, without any significant benefits. I find that sticking with a single language removes a lot of mental overhead worrying about language details and allows me to focus on the actual problem I’m solving.