• @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    I’ve been down this road with the chapo site and after about 6+ months of non-stop struggle sessions the site only experienced a mild de-growth. I expect even less of an effect since lemmy is explicitly ML instead of the wide-left chapo tried to be.

    The problem isn’t struggle sessions imo, it’s getting new users. We can always link to lemmygrad. But there’s almost no path to the site without already being both favorable towards and knowledgeable about internet ML spaces.

    That can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on what the userbase wants the site to be in the long run. No one wants to deal with leftish libs but they have to get radicalized somewhere. But trying to radicalize libs inevitable takes away from actual discussion as you have to do communism 101 every time you start a discussion.