reddit is shit and makes me annoyed, twitter is shit and makes me annoyed, tiktok is shit and makes me annoyed, pure news sites are boring, cracked is dead, google doesn’t work anymore, lemmy is only memes and news and fairly slow

i feel like i used to be able to sink into an activity on this machine, but now i just spend 5 minutes somewhere, the algorithm runs out of content, i get annoyed and go somewhere else, same process happens. i feel like i have amnesia, i used to enjoy this but i have no idea how.

  • LoganNineFingers
    9 months ago

    Before the reddit api, I used to read around 24-28 books a year depending on length (Sanderson’s tomes will always change that number because it’s like reading 2 or 3 regular books)

    Last year I hit 35. I didn’t really read books over 1000 pages much last year but I definitely know I’m reaching for a book when I would normally doomscroll reddit.