• @[email protected]
    02 years ago

    whiners. a generation of whiners. you are one reason i used to gravitate towards East Asian men - most of them don’t whine. Whiny people are beyond irritating, but a whiney man needs to hand in his damned man-card. I am a healthnut who loves logic and objectivity. So, I know that most disorders are self-inflicted - often by decision after decision over many years. If you treat your body (or environment) like a cesspool, YOU dug your own grave and don’t deserve my pity or help. If you lose your car or home, that is bad. But, you only get one body and mind, so if you mess that up…your had the wrong priorities. A 101 year old man got covid and lived/recovered. I don’t care about YOU because I mind my own business. Your #1 duty in life is to care for youself and if you can’t do that, you’ve failed. Just because you lack discipline, doesn’t mean that I should suffer. Believe it or not, I have my own problems that I need to deal with. You handle your own problems, mr. whiner.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      tldr: they are sexist, racist, ignorant of the fact that not anyone has the same privilege as them and they think it is ok to put others in danger just because they don’t want to wear a mask.

      • @[email protected]
        -12 years ago

        what does wearing a mask have to do with race? I lived in West End, Atlanta and that mostly black neighborhood didn’t wear masks, either - except for a very few people.