Recently hopped over to Lemmy from Reddit, initially tried Boost and the web app and wasn’t super happy with the experience however after installing Singing I can happily say the experience has improved vastly. It feels more promising and premium than the actual official Reddit app!

  • OtterA
    105 months ago

    I actually swapped from Sync to Boost but it’s likely a matter of what you’re used to. I used Boost on Reddit so everything is familiar. For what it’s worth, I think Sync & Connect are also great options

    I appreciate all the devs on here! I wouldn’t be using Lemmy this much without them

    • The Giant Korean
      55 months ago

      I also tried Sync and prefer Boost, but Boost was my Reddit app back when I was on Reddit. Sync seems like a good app, though!

      The main thing is that we have choices with Lemmy, right?