I’ve never smoked/vaped and I do not plan to anytime soon, but I’m curious of how quitting is like once you’re addicted.

  • Pratai
    9 months ago

    Not directed at OP, but to anyone trying to quit, here’s my story:

    essentially quit both last march. I had been a cig smoker for over 30 years then switched to vaping. Don’t let anyone tell you vaping is a way to quit. It’s not. Or, at least- it’s not for everyone. If you’re looking to quit- quit. Don’t crutch yourself into continuing to smoke by lying to your self that vaping isn’t smoking.

    It is.

    Having said that. My experience is this:

    I got on Wellbutrin and it didn’t take the first time. This would have been around January. Though while on it- I could see how it would work. I just didn’t stick with it.

    2nd try was successful. And the reason how I know it’s successful, is that since I quit- I lost my best friend in July, and my 15 year old dog on Halloween night. Not once through the grief of either, did I turn to smokes or even think about them once.

    If you’re looking to quit- you can quit. Whatever method works best is the correct method. But there will be no guarantee that at of them work work for you.