Please keep the thread civil and read the whole thing first, it is huge and you can learn a lot from it + the comments are also interesting.

  • sj_zero
    42 years ago

    I’ve been finding the long criticism of linux sort of silly lately.

    Linux is fine. It’s no worse than windows 10 in most respects. In a lot of respects it’s better in ways that are significant. Linux DirectX backwards compatibility through wine is so good it was ported to windows and it’s one of my first go-tos when old games don’t run on Windows 10!

    Sometimes the problem with applying a critical eye to something is you’re starting with the conclusion that there’s something fundamentally wrong with it. Starting with a conclusion and working your way backwards is the definition of begging the question. Sometimes fallacious logic can act on ideas like gamma radiation acts on DNA and can cause a beneficial mutation, but often it just causes radiation burns.

    That isn’t to say that any linux distro is perfect, but it’s a long walk from imperfect to terrible, and I don’t think the article makes it there.