• @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    If every person wouldn’t drive any car, fly, go on cruises and eat meat all corporations would produce 99% of global emissions -.-

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      So tell me, in the situation you are describing, how would you do your job and care for yourself or the people you like / depend on you without access to e.g. a car?

      I don’t understand how you do not seem to care why those emissions that cause global warming take place in the first place?

      • @[email protected]
        22 years ago

        We need cars because our society has decided for us that they should be incentivized. Public transport is a mess (and not very affordable) and many railways in western Europe have been decommissioned. We could have modern society without cars, or at least without everyone needing to have one.

        Most emissions is not due to a person’s activity but to industry. The scale of waste is unprecedented: just consider for a second the environmental impact of surveillance capitalism: of all these Google/Facebook/NSA servers running exactly ZERO useful services for users/society, of all the CCTV cameras and other control mechanisms deployed in the streets. Add to this mix:

        • that most companies/jobs are utterly useless or destructive
        • that planned obsolescence across industries means even when we produce too much we’ll keep on wasting

        And you start to have a basic explanation of what’s fucked up about capitalism destroying our planet.

      • @[email protected]
        2 years ago

        I have a bicycle and a train flatrate, never needed a car except for moving where Ihad to rent a small truck anyways.

        • @[email protected]
          12 years ago

          Sure, for most of my life I didn’t have a car either. But that’s not really the point. Some life circumstances are outside your own control. The point I poorly tried to make was more that people are driven by their current circumstances. Climate change is a systemic problem. You can’t rely on people reactively fixing climate change 8 billion times in their own little yard. It just won’t happen.

          • @[email protected]
            12 years ago

            My point was that if individuals make up for less emission non-individual actors will automatically make up for more of the total emissions, so the screenshotted post is kind of silly.

            I’m sure there will probably be no substantial change (at least in time) if we just let consumers decide, but that doesn’t except them from being responsible for driving around in child-killing, cancer-inducing, environment-destroying and fossil-fuel-wasting private tanks.

            • @[email protected]
              12 years ago

              The point of the screenshot comment is that we are not focusing on the right things when discussing climate change.

              There are lots of issues with SUVs but to say that some end product is the real cause of the problem (talking about climate change, not cancer here) is just inaccurate. It is the tremendous industry that was built, the associated physical assets, and the associated economic and financial incentives.

      • @[email protected]
        02 years ago

        It might be hard to believe today, but humans lived for millenia without any cars. Sure they are necessary in many places now, but that will probably change drastically after peak oil is reached (because renewables can never provide enough energy to power electric cars for everyone).