Hi everyone! I wanted to know what people thought of WriteFreely and Plume and which one you would recommend for a personal blog. Also, if you can, could you suggest some instances? From looking, I often come across instances with strangely little on their about page, and can’t work out who administrates them. Thanks!

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    Why disable when you can use something that doesn’t have them in the first place? It would be like buying a car that periodically sends electric shocks to the hands on the steering wheel, but which you can disable. Why would I buy the car in the first place when I can get one that doesn’t periodically send shocks to my hands ever.

    • @[email protected]
      -12 years ago

      Because that’s the one where they don’t include the steering wheel at all. Or the engine block. The shocks and the other parts are inextricably linked.