My intention linking this is not to provoke someone or hurt feelings, moreover to show what we as community or maintainer need to fix.

Regardless how you see it, there is some truth in it, even if I personally disagree with most mentioned points ignoring that Android already runs on 1 Billion devices which is basically Linux…

  • @[email protected]
    83 years ago
    1. Hardware problems/poor drivers: Linux runs well on some devices and not so well.on others. It is largely up to the manufacturer to make drivers so this will improve if manufacturers want to support Linux.

    2. Software availability: Projects like nix, app image and flathub try to fix this by providing a way developers can package their app so that it can be used on all distros. As far as I can tell:

      • Snap is centralised around canonical.
      • flathub doesn’t seem to have a huge amount of apps packaged yet (at least compared to nix or the aur).
      • App image doesn’t really have an easy way to manage all your different packages/update apps. It is useful though because it lets you install an app by simply downloading a file.

    As far as I can tell nix is the best option long term but it doesn’t have a simple gui yet/at the moment. Although there is one being worked on.

      43 years ago

      I fully agree with your points, one should also not forget that even Windows drivers are not perfect. They can cause problems and even sometimes security vulnerabilities.

      I think most of the points on mentioned website are fixable, however I would love to see more providers open sourcing their driver code to easier inspect and fix possible driver issue.

      UX and UI wise, I think basically every OS is customizable. I am not sure if that is a valid argument, even on closed source operating systems there are a bunch of tools to change that.